If … Then If ……. If … Then … Else VBA講義 6-4 Do … Loop 語法: Do 程式敘述 ……. Loop 涵義:此結構稱為「無窮迴圈」,迴圈內的程式敘述會無止境的重複執行下去。前述的四種Do Loop 迴圈,若條件 ...
Do...Loop 陳述式(Visual Basic) - MSDN - Microsoft 如果condition 是Nothing,Visual Basic 會將它視為False。 statements ... 如果您在迴圈開頭處測試condition (在Do 陳述式中),則迴圈可能一次都不會執行。 如果您在 ...
While...End While 陳述式(Visual Basic) - MSDN - Microsoft Boolean 運算式。 如果condition 是Nothing,Visual Basic 會將它視為False。 ... 您 可以使用Exit While ,同時對測試會造成無限迴圈,是迴圈無限次數條件時。 您可以 ...
VBA 控制流程與回圈@ Edison.X. Blog :: 痞客邦PIXNET :: VBA 控制流程與回圈. 1. If-Then. If 條件Then 敘述. End If. 2. If-Then-Else. If 條件Then 敘述. Else 敘述. End If. 3. If-Then-ElseIf-Else. If 條件Then 敘述 ElseIf 條件
VBA 控制流程與回圈 @ Edison.X. Blog :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: *Exit Do:強制 離開Do Loop 迴圈 。*Exit For:強制 離開For Next 迴圈。*Exit Sub:強制跳離Sub程序。*Exit ...
Loops in Visual Basic 6 (VB 6.0), Do While Loop, While ... VB for next loop, do while loop, while wend, do loop while and do until loop repetition structures are used to take action is to be repeated until given condition is ...
Excel VBA Loop - Easy Excel Macros - Excel Tutorial Looping is one of the most powerful programming techniques. A loop in Excel VBA enables you to loop through a range of cells with just a few codes lines.
Do Until Loop. Excel VBA Loops - Excel Templates | Excel Add-ins and Excel Help with formulas and VB Excel VBA Loops. VBA Code Loops, Repeat a Block of VBA Macro Code ... Do Until Loop, Repeat a Block of VBA Macro Code Back To: Excel VBA Loops. Lot's of free Excel VBA. Got any Excel Questions? Free Excel Help
Excel VBA Programming - Do Loops The Do While loop is a lot easier to use than the For loop you used in the previous ... Here, the loop goes round and round until the test condition at the start ...
Excel VBA For Do While and Do Until Loop | Excel & VBA – Databison How to stop, skip and move out of a VBA For Loop, Do While Loop and Do Until Loop This one is simple. Exit the For Loop in VBA Use the statement “Exit For” for move out of a For loop in VBA. Sub try() Dim i, j As Integer j = 1 For i = 1 To 10 j = j + 1 if